Januari inspiration

Some random photo's that inspired me this month.

Photo's via tumblr

Graphic design gallery

Went to an graphic design gallery with school for inspiration for a school ascigment. And it realised me that I still want to go to a graphic design school. But that comes after my fashion school.

Givency Spring 2012 RTW

Bye bye Blackberry, hello iPhone!

I am now the proud owner of a iPhone 4! This smartphone is so much better that the Crackberry I had, my old one was a Blackberry Curve and it's broken and all. I'm so happy to have this now haha!

Today was just a day when you sit the whole day in your sweatpants and shirt. But anyway, I found these shoes at Nelly.com, and these are also very lovely. Now I can't choose which one..


I wish you all a Happy, healty and beautiful new year!
Photography by me and I'm wearing a jumper/poncho kind of thing from the Vero Moda.